Any questions about clothes donation? Get in touch

Whether your bag was missed, you've spotted a "bogus" collector or have any queries about our clothes donation service - the Helpline team are happy to help.

By speaking to a member of the team or filling out this form, the team can arrange re-collections, refer you to our Collection Protection team or let you know when your next collection date is.

If you would like to arrange a collection please call us on
020 7288 8545

or use our booking form here.

Clothes Aid is proud to introduce the new Clothes Aid App, now available for use across the entire UK. Initially tested in the North West of England, we are excited to expand the availability of our application to any household in the UK wishing to donate clothing, bric-a-brac, or household items.

If you own an Android device, you can download the new and free Clothes Aid App by scanning the QR code or visiting the Google Play Store on your device. We are currently developing an iOS-friendly version of the app for future release. If you do not have an Android device, please continue to use the booking form on our website to organise a collection for your clothes donation.

We hope you enjoy the convenience and features of our new Clothes Aid App!

Click below for Android app

Google play store link to clothes aid app. book a free clothes collection today

    Your Name (required)

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    House name or number



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