Cash for Kids is a grant-giving charity helping the children that need it most across the UK.
Our mission is to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people in our communities who are affected by poverty, illness, neglect or have additional needs. We believe that all children should be able to express their individuality, achieve their potential and live life to the full.
We work with grass-roots organisations that aim to make a difference to young lives, directly supporting families who often have nowhere else to go.
Every penny raised locally stays locally, so you can be sure that your support will directly benefit children living in our region.
Nigel Spencer

Charity information
Cash For Kids are a registered charity – no. 1122062
Cash For Kids can be found on the Charity Commission website.
Enquiries: 01772 477974
Useful Links
Twitter: @974RockFM
Instagram: /974rockfm
YouTube: CashforKidsUK/about
Notifiable Solicitation Statement
The Notifiable Solicitation Statement is a clear statement of how much we give to Cash For Kids and must appear on our collection bags and stickers. See our FAQs for further information.